In a world in the distant future, humanity's attempts to extend its influence into the galaxies has failed. A space colony, once thought to be the future of humanity, is now at risk of facing destruction. With the power to stop gravity, escape every room in 20 seconds before the room explodes! 

WASD - Movement

Spacebar - Jump

Left Click - Stop Gravity

P - Pause

While  gravity is stopped, a jump can get you infinite height, and it can also allow you to complete halt your descent while falling, effectively creating an invisible platform. 

You can only stop gravity once in mid-air, and you can only jump once while gravity is stopped. 

With this all powerful ability at your disposal, go through 7 levels as you escape this crumbling space colony in order to survive!


As we continued development of this game, the scope got larger and larger, so instead of just a single 20 second level, we opted to widen our scope to make 7 whole 20 second levels. We hope you enjoy your experience with GRAVITY: NULL!




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Nice 3D gravitational puzzle there! The introduced gems were a great idea to extend and think on when to use your gravity powers. Graphically the game is nice, menu is simple, but works. Music was nice, the beeper wasn’t my favorite but added to the atmoshpere for sure.

Well Done!


Really well done!! Massive game in this and enjoy the physics involved too with the gravity. Music and sound makes it very intense too, very much enjoyed this, great work everyone!!

Thanks a lot we're glad you enjoyed  playing!